Ebook Winning through participation: Meeting the challenge of corporate change with the Technology of participation, by Laura J Spencer
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Winning through participation: Meeting the challenge of corporate change with the Technology of participation, by Laura J Spencer
Ebook Winning through participation: Meeting the challenge of corporate change with the Technology of participation, by Laura J Spencer
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What sets the winners apart from the also-rans and losers in today's tough, competive international business arena? Specific isolating factors have distinguished successful companies. Acknowledged authorities have noted a loosening of the often rigid, authoritarian style that characterized most businesses and organizations as the most significant change within winning organiza¬tions in recent times. Winners in today's demanding marketplace are characterized by a management style that stresses: flexibility and responsiveness to change, innovative thinking, informal communication, continuing education and learning, visionary leadership and emphasis on quality. But there's another factor, one that links all of these values together into what most experts see as the management style of the future. It's called "participation", or "participative management." Management consultant Ralph Barra, for example, suggests that "companies that will survive are going to be participative." Thousands of companies have responded to such heraldings. Giants such as 3M have implemented participative programs as the vital matrix for building winning teams. But few, if any, of these respected books, studies and dissertations tell how to transform participative management from theory into reality. This book is designed to bridge that gap. It explains why participation works and why a participative approach is so critical to getting the best results in today's and tomorrow's management environment. Furthermore, this book tells exactly how participation can be put to work in the factory, at the sales counter and throughout the business office. Through a system called the Technology of Participation, this book explains vital and underlying principles and examines step-by-step techniques that have yielded winning performances for leading companies....
- Sales Rank: #6778436 in Books
- Brand: Brand: Kendall/Hunt Pub. Co
- Published on: 1989
- Binding: Paperback
- 185 pages
- Used Book in Good Condition
Most helpful customer reviews
4 of 4 people found the following review helpful.
An essential part of a professional facilitator's library
By John M. Miller
Back in it's 1st or 2nd printing, this was probably the only book of its kind. I completely wore it out from constant use. It is an outstanding companion to any training I received from ICA in how to use the group facilitation methods that Spencer describes. She uses case study examples, summaries of numerous group facilitation methods, and practical plans for events like participatory strategic planning retreats.
Recently I went back to it and discovered a whole new appreciation for her wisdom. For example, I was a bit frustrated with the kinda' "mom and apple pie" quality of a group's brainstorm of their values. Spencer provided the insight I needed to set a more challenging context so groups could establish guiding principles for themselves... with teeth! Buy this book and read it. Then read it again after a few years of practice using participatory methods.
5 of 5 people found the following review helpful.
Here is the starting point for facilitators
By by Amanda Evans, Sunflower Press
Winning Through Participation is a great foundational resource for facilitation, both for the movement and for facilitators. It is particularly useful for its presentation of basic methods of facilitation, clear forms, and explanatory material. It is a great beginning toolkit for organizing and promoting facilitation.
This book appears to be the first one that sets forth the methods of the Technology of Participation, ToP, so widely used and known facilitation circles. The Institute of Cultural Affairs, ICA, an international non-profit concerned with the human factor in development, through its experience in offering consultancy and leadership in organizational development, was the fertile ground for this method spring forth and grow.
More about this book is on the SFN (Southwest Facilitator's Network) website, written March 2001.
17 of 17 people found the following review helpful.
One of the most important books on facilitation available.
By A Customer
Laura Spencer's book Winning Through Participation is one of the earliest and finest introductions to the facilitation process available. Technologies of Participation (ToP) are practical methodologies for the experienced and new facilitator. She introduces the Focused Conversation Method, the ToP Workshop Method, ToP Event Planning and Orchestration Techniques, ToP Strategic Planning Process and many other practical applications of ToP methods. ToP methods were developed by the Institute of Cultural Affairs in the 1950's, 60's and 70's as practical ways of enabling groups to develop their own thinking and solutions to problems. They are still used in 100's of places across the world.
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Winning through participation: Meeting the challenge of corporate change with the Technology of participation, by Laura J Spencer Mobipocket
Winning through participation: Meeting the challenge of corporate change with the Technology of participation, by Laura J Spencer Kindle
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